News - Activities - Further Information
SurVEY in COVID-19

Dear Professors, dear Colleagues,
We don’t want to bother you, we just want to ask for 8 mins of your time to fill in a short ECMO survey.
Let us briefly explain: a novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, causing a severe acute respiratory syndrome with its disease designated as COVID-19, has emerged in December 2019 and is now a global pandemic.
Specific therapy to fight COVID-19 is gravely lacking at this time and there are no specific guidelines from experts or societies regarding the management of pulmonary failure due to COVID-19.
Although, we hypothesized that most physicians in charge of ARDS patients will propose a specific strategy to protect and give the maximum chance of healing in case of infection to these patients, this survey aims to assess the management of ECMO in the era of COVID-19.
The survey is a personal initiative, endorsed by the EuroELSO. We have no conflicts of interest – we are just curious. In case of a publication, we would like to enter those that agree and fill in the survey completely as collaborators.
If you agree to participate we kindly ask you to honestly declare what strategy you will propose to your patients in your clinical routine practice rather than what you thought to potentially be the best from a scientific point of view and sometimes not available in your center.
You can find the survey here: SURVEY
The survey is endorsed by the Steering Committee of EuroELSO. Please note that this survey is different from EuroELSO’s ECMO study. We would like to encourage European physicians to enter patient data in EuroELSO’s ECMO study.
We used SurveyMonkey and we will treat your personal data (if entered) – according to the most recent legislation including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (that can be accessed at According to our local Ethic Committee, the survey does not need to be formally approved by any Ethic Committee as data that are collected do not refer to real patients.
We thank you for reading this email and wish you all the best for you, your team, and your patients in the fight against this pandemic.
Best regards,
Philipp M. LEPPER, MD
Frederik SEILER, MD