This survey was initiated on behalf of EuroELSO, European chapter of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO). End-of-life decisions for ECLS patients represent a major challenge for critical care physicians and ICU teams. We believe that a deeper understanding of the ethical issues raised in consideration of possible ECLS withdrawal might lead to a possible mitigation of moral distress of those involved in this complex clinical decision making, thus we sought to assess the current opinions and attitudes regarding ethical controversies in ECLS. We kindly ask you for your option and ENSURE, that every individual opinion of each participant will be included into the analysis.
We would be grateful if you could complete this brief survey. This survey is available in different languages, please see below. The survey should take less than 15 minutes of your time.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact:
Angelo Polito (Geneva Children’s Hospital, Switzerland)
or Justyna Swol (Paracelsus Medical University Nürnberg, Germany) at
This survey has been approved by the Steering and Scientific Committee of EuroELSO.
Your response is greatly appreciated. Thank you on behalf of EuroELSO Steering Committee
Angelo Polito and Justyna Swol
On behalf of the Steering and the Scientifc Committee of EuroELSO